Before booking a class, please familiarise yourself with our studio flow.
Please read our policies carefully and visit our FAQs page or contact us with any further questions.
How to book
Classes fill up extremely quickly so please do check availability. Any class without a “book” button is already full. A class that shows “waitlist only” means if you join the waitlist you will be emailed with the opportunity to book on to this class should space become available. You cannot book a class for both yourself and a friend, all clients must book for themselves and manage their own attendance and absences. All clients are required to bring their own towels to lay down on mats, and preferably their own mat for classes. Please do not moisturise before class.
Any lost property will be stored at reception for 30 days before being donated/disposed of.
Lateness and cancellations
Classes will start promptly and under no circumstances will clients be admitted once the class start time has been reached. The class credit will also be forfeited. For this reason, please aim to arrive 15 minutes before the class start time to ensure there is enough time to get ready for the class.
Should you need to cancel or reschedule a class we require a minimum of 12 hours notice. If you are cancelling a class because you have suddenly become ill, we are happy to keep your credit on your account however you will be unable to book another class or attend the studio for 10 days. This is to ensure the safety of all our clients.
To manage your account:
Click "Book" on a class in the timetable, or “log in”
This should take you to the login page where you can log in and cancel classes.
If somebody you live with or have recently come into close contact with, tests positive for Covid-19, you cannot attend the studio for 10 days even if your LFT comes back negative. We also recommend that you take a PCR test as soon as possible, and do not attend the studio until your result comes back negative. Your class credit will be held until 10 days after your reported contact. This is to ensure the safety of our teachers and students.
If you have to miss a class with less than 12 hours’ notice for Covid-related reasons, please send an email to letting us know. We will ensure your credits for any classes missed are returned to your Bsport account for use later. Please note that this needs to be done ahead of missed classes and not retrospectively to ensure the credit is returned to your account.